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Book «Women in Hovhannes Tumanyan's life» Susanna Hovhannisyan / in Armenian

Item number: N:020162

13.16 USD



Width 16.5 cm. Length 24 cm.

Product description

The book tells about the role of women in Tumanyan’s literary and artistic heritage. The interactions between Tumanyan and women who met him at different intersections of life and admired him, gained his friendship, love, and affection, fraternal and paternal care, are touched upon in this book for the first time. The lyrical stories of interactions with women who inspired him and became the muses of the poet, Varia Khandamirian and Mariam Tumanyan in particular, are especially highlighted.

The book can be useful for psychologists, literary historians, and a wide circle of readers.

Author: Susanna Hovhannisyan ,
Publishing house: Edit Print,
Language: Armenian,
Number of pages: 208 ,
Cover: Hard,
Data: 2019.
Size: 16.5 x 24 sm

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