4u.am company and its affiliated persons (hereinafter “We”, “Our” or “Us”) represent 4u.am online shopping platform which includes but not limited to basic terms of transactions implementation through website such as purchase and delivery of goods, payment and other proceedings through www.4u.am website (hereinafter “Website”).
Terms and conditions of the present Public Agreement (hereinafter Agreement) are aimed to regulate relations with customers and are subject to change by 4u.am at its discretion. 4u.am is an online platform offering products for women made exclusively in Armenia, as well as delivery service of the purchased items.
Public Agreement – an agreement between 4u.am and the Customer on Website usage and payments execution terms and conditions for the Goods/Services provided by 4u.am.
User or Customer (hereinafter “You”, “Yours”) – an individual who signed an Agreement with 4u.am on Website usage and payments execution terms and conditions for the Goods/Services provided by 4u.am, which were determined and previously announced by 4u.am.
Partner or Service provider - legal entity or private entrepreneur who signed an agreement with 4u.am on sale of goods and/or execution of works and/or services provision.
Seller or 4u.am – an online platform offering products/services for women exclusively.
Website – website which offers Products and/or Services delivered by 4u.am and has а domain with the same 4u.am name.
Special offer – an activity of Product/Service sale organized by 4u.am during which some of the products, services and/or works are being sold/delivered at discounted prices.
Special offer duration – a period of time during which 4u.am offers Products and/or Services to its Users at special price.
Payment – Payment execution by the User
2.1. User’s registration on the website, order placement and payment execution presume his full consent to sign the present Agreement. By accepting all the terms and conditions of the offer the User agrees to sign the present Agreement.
2.2. The present Agreement is a subject to amendment by 4u.am at its discretion. Furthermore, if using any service, you accept all the published policies, which are subject to amendment either. 4u.am may send you notifications related to Website or any Policy change through telecommunication network. 4u.am is able to provide translated versions of Terms and Conditions in different languages other than English. You realize and accept that translated version of Terms and Conditions is for your convenience only,
and your relationships with 4u.am are regulated by the Armenian version of the Terms and Conditions. In case of any differences between Terms and Conditions in Armenian language and the translated versions, priority is given to the Armenian version.
2.3. By signing the present Agreement, the User agrees that he is aware of the Website Usage Policies and fully accepts them. Furthermore, the User agrees that the provision of services specified by the present Agreement derive from his interests or interests of his representatives and do not violate his legitimate rights and interests or the rights and interests of his representatives in any way, as well as can not cause any harm to the abovementioned persons.
3.1.1. Decline the User's transaction in case of reasonable suspicion concerning legality of actions of the User,
3.1.2. Unilaterally amend provisions of the Public Agreement after posting a message on the website,
3.1.3. Involve third parties for fulfilment of obligations at its own expense and discretion,
3․1․4 Do not deliver orders for which the Customer could not be contacted, valid only for cases of cash payment,
3.1.5. Excercise the rights specified in the Public Agreement and RA legislation.
3.2.1. Provide an easy user access to the Website,
3.2.2. Provide information to the User about the products, services, works, promotions and other 4u.am offerings within the framework of the system operation,
3.2.3. Inform the User about occurrence of any new terms and conditions, important amendments or exclusions to the present Public Agreement.
4.1.1. Benefit from all products, works and services available on the Website according to the Website Terms of Use.
4.1.2. Submit complaints in electronic or paper formats either to e-mail or postal address indicated in the “Contact us” section of the Website.
4.1.3. Make suggestions related to the quality of provided services within the scope of the Public Agreement.
4.2.1. Duly perform his obligations specified in the Public Agreement and on the Website,
4.2.2. Provide reliable personal data and information to 4u.am which are necessary for purchase of goods, gaining access to works and services specified in the Public Agreement,
4.2.3. While using the Website, follow its terms and conditions,
4.2.4. Strictly maintain confidentiality of information shared within the scope of the Public Agreement; otherwise the User will hold the responsibility in accordance with the procedure established under the legislation of RA.
5.1. The User agrees and accepts that all the materials available on the Website (except the customer comments), including but not limited to the texts, applications, graphic or non-graphic images, recordings, music, videos, interactive features and similar materials (hereinafter Materials), as well as brands, symbols and logos of the services (hereinafter Symbols) belong to or licensed by 4u.am and are subject to copyright and intellectual property right protection in accordance to international conventions and domestic laws.
5.2. In case of partial or complete citation of the Website information or advertising material the reference to the Website is mandatory.
5.3. The website presents products, works and services owned by 4u.am or its affiliated partners.
5.4. The Website Materials are provided only for personal use of the visitor and can't be used, copied, reproduced, distributed, transferred, broadcasted, displayed, patented or used for any other purposes without the prior written agreement of the owner of these Materials.
5.5. 4u.am is a registered trademark. The Visitor and/or User has no right to use, duplicate, translate and/or distribute the 4u.am brand without permission. If the visitor has an interest in the information provided on the website, he may contact us by e-mail or postal address indicated in the “Contact us” section of the Website.
6.1. The disputes concerning the present terms and conditions should be settled by negotiations. If the parties do not reach any agreement, the disputes are settled in accordance with the procedure established under the legislation of RA.
6.2. 4u.am does not take any responsibility for warranty service of the products which are presented by its Partners or Service Providers and are listed on the Website.
6.3. 4u.am is responsible for timely delivery of the orders and undertakes to do its utmost to perform at the time appointed.
6.4. In case of any complaints, please, contact us by e-mail or postal address indicated in the “Contact us” section of the Website.
6.5. Any promotion information placed on the Website is provided by the Service Provider, and all the amendments are agreed with 4u.am.
6.6. In case of cancellation of the promotion contractual obligations are terminated with funds returning to the Buyer.
6.7. 4u.am does not take any responsibility for the discounts or any other contractual obligations provision by the Partner or Service Provider. The placement of the promotion on the Website is for informational purposes only.
6.8. Any additional information regarding the Product or Service price should be clarified with 4u.am.
6.9. 4u.am does not take any responsibility for the damages to the Products and/or Services caused by the usage.
6.10. The representative or any other legal or physical entity involved in creation of the Website content including software and technical assistance and technical faults do not take any responsibility for any direct, indirect, unintentional, intentional and other types of damages which may appear during the use or inappropriate use of the Website.
7.1. The Parties are responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the obligations specified in the present Public Agreement
in accordance with the procedure established under the legislation of RA.
8.1. The Parties are exempted from responsibility for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the obligations in the result of unforeseen circumstances which occurred after signing the present Public Contract and could not been prevented or predicted by the Parties. These include earthquake, flood, war, declaration of martial law or state of emergency, political turmoil, strikes, termination of the activities of Mass Media, including acts issued by Central Bank,
as well as other emergencies that prevent from fulfillment of the obligations specified in the present Public Agreement. In case the emergency situation continues for more than 3 /three/ months, each of the Parties has the right to terminate the present Public Agreement by giving prior notice to the other Party.
9.1. The issues not regulated by the Public Agreement are settled by regulations of the 4u.am official Website. In case of the absence of such regulations, the issues are settled in accordance with the procedure established under the legislation of RA.
9.2. Signing of the electronic version of the present Public Agreement between 4u.am and the User equals to signing of the paper copy with its legal consequences.
9.3. The terms and delivery times of service provisions are listed on the Website.
9.4. The Public Agreement becomes effective from the moment of the User’s registration on the Website, order placement and payment execution.
9.5. Each of the Parties has the right to terminate the Public Agreement by sending an electronic notification to another Party 15 /fifteen/ days in advance.
10.1. Within the framework of the Public Agreement all the notifications may be send in electronic version through e-mail or Website accordingly in the absence of any other agreed provisions specified in the Public Agreement.
10.2. Based on the technical aspects 4u.am does not guarantee successful receiving of the messages sent to the e-mail or mobile phone of the User.