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Book «Andranik's Last Horse» Susanna Harutyunyan / in Armenian

Item number: N:102800

15.58 USD



Weight 470 gram Width 14 cm. Length 22 cm.

Product description

The main, but invisible hero of the novel is the last horse of the general Andranik, who is in the novel and in the memory of the heroes and accompanies them throughout the story. The action of the novel spans almost a century, from 1918 to 2020. The events of the first part take place in the Sevan basin. One of the most dramatic pages of Armenian history is presented: the murder of the Silikyan brothers in Zod and, as revenge, the Zod operation. The second part contains the memoirs of the last hero of the novel, Moses. Epic, the core of which are the values and problems passed down from grandfathers to sons and grandsons.

Publisher: NewMeg,
Year: 2023,
Language: Armenian,
Cover: hard,
Number of pages: 292.

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