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Book «Parting with Illusions» Vladimir Posner / in Armenian Book «Parting with Illusions» Vladimir Posner / in Armenian Book «Parting with Illusions» Vladimir Posner / in Armenian Book «Parting with Illusions» Vladimir Posner / in Armenian

Book «Parting with Illusions» Vladimir Posner / in Armenian

Item number: N:023160
Shop: Newmag

15.58 USD

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Product description

Political commentator, international media celebrity, and Communist Party Member Vladimir Pozner is a familiar face to millions of television viewers throughout America -- perhaps the second most widely recognized Soviet citizen next to Mikhail Gorbachev. Raised in the US -- until the anti-Communist \`hysteria\` of the \'50s forced his family\'s emigration to Russia -- Pozner presents in this intensely personal and controversial book a unique perspective of the Soviet Union and the Inited States as they emerge from 40 years of Cold War. Here he tells the complete story of his fascinating life in two radically different societies -- offering freely his unorthodox views on human rights, while giving the reader a remarkable insider\'s view of the soviet Union from Brezhnev to Gorbachev...and the historic changes that reshaped Russia and the world.

Language: Armenian.
Author: Vladimir Pozner.
Original name: Прощание с иллюзиями.
Number of pages: 650:
Cover: soft.
Printing: black and white.
Year of publication: 2019:
Genre: memoir.

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