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Book «History of Armenia» Armen Khachikyan / in Russian

Item number: N:094100

13.64 USD



Width 14.5 cm. Length 20 cm.

Product description

The book is addressed to Armenians in Diaspora and to readers living in various countries who are interested in history and culture of Armenia.The book is a brief review of the history of Armenia beginning with the formation of the Armenian nation up to our days. The book also contains 10 maps of different phases of Armenia\'s history.

​Armenians live in every corner of the world. Many of them wish to know more about the history of their ancestral homeland and contributions of the Armenian people to the world civilization, but few are fluent in Armenian, and many, in fact, hardly even read in it. Many young Armenians born outside of the homeland speak no Armenian at all, and have never been to Armenia, having only heard about it. Yet doubtless is the need to have a Russian-language book that would offer a brief, comprehensive overview of the history of Armenia, to help the foreign reader develop an in-depth understanding of the complex issues of the Armenian history.

​This review is designed to serve exactly as such a reference point for the general public interested in the history of Armenia. It offers a brief overview of significant events and developments in the history of the nation, and is easy to read, carry, browse, and refer to.

Author։ Armen Khachikyan,
Language։ Russian,
Pages։ 264,
Publication date։ 2009,
Printing։ Colour,
Cover։ Soft,
Size։ 14.5 x 20 cm․

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