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Book «Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind» Yuval Noah Harari / in English

Item number: N:174963

28.9 USD



Width 12.9 cm. Length 19.8 cm.

Product description

How did man manage to conquer the world? What happened to other kinds of man? When and why did money, states and religion appear? How did empires rise and fall? Why did almost all societies put women below men? What future awaits us? Yuval Harari shows how the course of history has shaped human society and the reality around it. His book traces the connection between the events of the past and the problems of the present and forces the reader to reconsider all the established ideas about the world around him.

Publisher: Penguin Random House,
Year: 2023,
Language: English,
Cover: soft,
Number of pages: 512.

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