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Book «Munich. The Last Station» Rima Khachatryan / in Armenian Book «Munich. The Last Station» Rima Khachatryan / in Armenian Book «Munich. The Last Station» Rima Khachatryan / in Armenian Book «Munich. The Last Station» Rima Khachatryan / in Armenian

Book «Munich. The Last Station» Rima Khachatryan / in Armenian

Item number: N:023159
Shop: Newmag

15.58 USD


Product description

«Munich. The Last Station» is a life story based on real events and significant events of the time. It reflects the life and thoughts of Armenians in the second half of the last century, in the last two decades. It is completely filled with the psychology and wisdom of a working man. Actors differ from each other in character, temperament, worldview, attitude towards reality. The book contains imaginary motives and incidents, collective characters, which, however, do not significantly affect the course of the story, are subject to the general realization of logic.

Language: Armenian.
Author: Rima Khachatryan.
Original name: Մյունխեն. վերջին կայարան.
Number of pages: 200:
Cover: hard.
Printing: black and white.
Year of publication: 2021:
Book size: 4.5x22.3:
Genre: memoir.

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