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Book «Me Before You» Jojo Moyes / in Armenian

Item number: N:176095

18.51 USD



Weight 794 gram Width 16 cm. Length 24.5 cm.

Product description

In life, there are turning moments, seconds, which, regardless of our will, change everything that will happen later, everything that we will feel and understand from then on. The meeting of Louisa and Will may be a domestic touch, for one it is an opportunity to get out of difficult financial conditions, for the other it is an imposed vital necessity, but maybe there are no coincidences - in any event, their meeting turns both their lives upside down, and in the darkest appears a choice to make the life next door more than he can imagine.

Publisher: Zangak,
Year: 2020,
Language: Armenian,
Cover: hard,
Number of pages: 408.

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