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Book «Alexander Mantashyants» Armen Gasparyan / in Russian

Item number: N:023272

26.3 USD

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Width 14.5 cm. Length 20 cm.

Product description

Book «King of the Caucasus. Alexander Mantashyants».

Alexander Mantashyants was a philanthropist-businessman, taken into account by the powerful of the time - Baron Edmon de Rothschild, Alfred Nobel, Galust Gulbenkian and others. The beginning of the 20th century was more difficult and confusing for Armenians. On the one hand, the endless trials, the struggle for survival, on the other hand, many Armenians, who had difficulty paving their way in the previous century, reached their peak at the beginning of the century, both in the spheres of financial and intellectual activity.

Author: Armen Gasparyan.

Language: Armenian.
Number of pages: 368.
Cover: hard.
Book size: 14.5 x 20 cm.
Printing: color:
Year of publication: 2020.

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