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Book «The Far and The Near» Thomas Wolfe / in Armenian Book «The Far and The Near» Thomas Wolfe / in Armenian

Book «The Far and The Near» Thomas Wolfe / in Armenian

Item number: N:195407

15.91 USD



Width 17.5 cm. Length 24.5 cm.

Product description

The book contains twenty-eight of the fifty-eight stories from Thomas Wolfe\'s «Complete Collection of Stories» published in English so far. In selecting them, an attempt was made to represent all the diversity and multi-layeredness of Woolf\'s stories. These stories have never been published in Armenian, and we think they will be interesting to understand Wolfe more fully.

Author: Thomas Wolfe,
Translation: Vardan Fereshetyan,
Number of pages: 344,
Language: Armenian,
Cover: hard,
Year of publication: 2024.

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