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Book «Yerevan. Biography of the City» Mark Grigorian / in Russian

Item number: N:174295

101.97 USD



Weight 970 gram Width 15 cm. Length 21.5 cm.

Product description

Mark Grigorian\'s book is an atmosphere book, a guide book, a history book, a love book, and it was created by a real Yerevan resident, doting in his city and its inhabitants. Yerevan for the author is not only a favorite city and an object of research interest, but also a living, constantly developing organism. Inspiringly sharing knowledge about the Urartian conduits and canals that still exist to this day, about temples and mosques, about the smallest house in the city, about the local version of Montmartre and the path to Golgotha, the author shows the reader a unique Yerevan in all its diversity.

Publisher: SLOVO,
Year: 2023,
Language: Russian,
Cover: dust cover,
Number of pages: 392.

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