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Book «The world's largest merchant. Part 2» Og Mandino / in Armenian

Item number: N:195394

11.51 USD



Width 14.5 cm. Length 20 cm.

Product description

The book «The World\'s Greatest Salesman» is considered a real sales guide. It brought Og Mandino recognition as a great salesman, completely changing his fortune, his career and the lives of millions of readers. This is one of the most motivating and inspiring books of all time. It is the sequel to Mandinos bestseller of the same name, in which he reveals the secrets to overcoming adversity, gaining self-confidence, and achieving well-being. The main character, like the author, has already grown up by twenty years. What did he achieve, how did he change, what surprises did life bring to the hero? You will find the answers to these questions by reading the book.

Author: Og Mandino,
Language: Armenian,
Number of pages: 128,
Cover: hard.

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