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Book «The Power of Habit» Charles Duhigg / in Armenian

Item number: N:175249

19.08 USD

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Weight 638 gram Width 16 cm. Length 24 cm.

Product description

What can a young woman who quit smoking, the marketers of Procter & Gamble, and the CEO of the largest American company have in common? They all achieved success by changing their habits. Charles Duhigg takes us through the shocking scientific discoveries that explain how our habits survive and change. We find out why some people and companies struggle to initiate change, even though they have been striving for it for years, while others seem to make the change in a day. Habits are not destiny. Charles Duhigg shows that, armed with this new knowledge, we can transform our work, society and life in general.

Publisher: NewMag,
Year: 2021,
Language: Armenian,
Cover: hard,
Number of pages: 384.

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