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Book «Mindset: The New Psychology of Success» Carol Dweck / in Russian

Item number: N:174635

43.09 USD



Weight 667 gram Width 14 cm. Length 20 cm.

Product description

This book is based on a revolutionary concept discovered by renowned psychologist Carol Dweck after 20 years of research. From it you will learn: why intelligence and talent do not yet guarantee success, how, on the contrary, they can stand in its way, why encouraging intelligence and talent often jeopardizes achievement, and how to improve a child’s academic performance or a manager’s productivity. Fixed-minded people (with a fixed mindset) believe that innate intelligence and talent are unchanging. They spend time proving to everyone that they are smart and talented instead of developing their talents. In addition, they believe that talent leads to success in and of itself. And they are wrong. People with a flexible mind (with a growth mindset) believe that all qualities can be developed by systematically working on oneself, and the initial level of intelligence and talent is just a starting point.

Publisher: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber,
Year: 2023,
Language: Russian,
Cover: hard,
Number of pages: 304.

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