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Book «The Road Back» Erich Maria Remarque / in Armenian

Item number: N:094070

15.91 USD

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Width 20 cm. Length 14.5 cm.

Product description

The Road Back is not one of the most famous books by Erich Maria Remarque. First, it was first serialized in the German newspaper Vossische Zeitung. The novel details the experience of young men in Germany who have returned from the trenches of World War I and are trying to integrate back into civilian life.

Author։ Erich Maria Remarque,
Translated by։ Vanuhi Baghmanyan,
Language։ Armenian,
Pages։ 304,
Publication date։ 2021,
Printing։ Black/white,
Cover։ Hard,
Size։ 14.5 x 20 cm․

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