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Book «Short Stories» Aksel Bakunts / in Armenian

Item number: N:080731

8.12 USD


Product description

Aksel Bakunts is by far the most talented representative of the Armenian prose. In his essays and short stories he protrayed his native land and his countrymen. His works carry a stamp inherent to him only... they are fresh and original.

The following collection of Aksel Bakunts\'s works is from My Library series. Each book from My Library series represents one of classical Armenian writers or poets’ best works. The series is intended for schoolchildren, students, adult readers and generally all those who are interested in Armenian literature.

Author: Aksel Bakunts
Publisher: Edit Print.
Language: Armenian.
Number of pages: 208.
Printing: Black white.
Cover: Soft.
Year of publication: 2011.
Size: 14.5 x 20 cm.

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