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Book «Mokh, Dmbldokh, And The Fairy Tales By Uncle Krist» Krist Manaryan / in Armenian

Item number: N:094063

15.91 USD



Width 24.5 cm. Length 17 cm.

Product description

Hello, dear kids and adults, the main characters of our book ⁠— the storyteller Commander Krist and his two indispensable assistants, Mokh and Dmbldokh ⁠— are traveling through the endless Space in their HoplaTir in search of the Planet of the Ancestors.During the journey, they pass through constellations and nebulae and at the end of the day they summarize their impressions.And at the end of each day, Uncle Krist tells Mokh and Dmbldokh fairy tales from their distant, dear and longed-for World of Armenia situated on Planet Earth.So, you too join them in the HoplaTir, sit comfortably in your space armchairs and listen carefully to these funny and interesting fairy tales. Hopla!

Author։ Krist Manaryan,
Illustrator։ Lilit Manaryan,
Language։ Armenian,
Pages։ 136,
Publication date։ 2022,
Printing։ Colour,
Cover։ Hard,
Size։ 17 x 24.5 cm

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