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Book «Wise tales of the world» in Armenian

Item number: N:019213
Shop: Edit Print
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Width 21.5 cm. Length 28.5 cm.

Product description

The `Wise Tales of the World` project was created not only for children, but also for all those who want to enter again and again the bright world of true values, inexhaustible wisdom.

This collection of fairy tales has been compiled as a result of thorough work. Over the months, more than 6,000 fairy tales from many nations of the world have been studied, the compiler of which has tried to select those who are richest in moral ideas, give the description of a virtuous, hardworking, humble man, teach children that justice and kindness always win in the end. Changing people's lives and souls.

Author: Hasmik Mkrtchyan,
Publishing house: Edit Print,
Language: Armenian,
Number of pages: 312,
Cover: Hard,
Data: 2020.
Size: 21.5 x 28.5 sm

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