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Book «The Singing Cloud» in Armenian

Item number: N:094064

2.96 USD



Width 24 cm. Length 16,5 cm.

Product description

The collection “The Singing Cloud” covers about ninety children\'s poems by Hrach Beglaryan. The characters in this book look at the world through the eyes of children; they see phenomena and react to them with ingenuousness typical of children. They are loved and love everyone likewise. People, animals, birds and plants are all equally dear and understandable to them. The young reader will find a lot of edifying and familiar things in Beglaryan\'s poems.

Author։ Hrach Beglaryan,
Language։ Armenian,
Pages։ 112,
Publication date։ 2022,
Printing։ Black/white,
Cover։ Soft,
Size։ 16.5 x 24 cm․

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