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Book «Multi Pulti Alphabet» Krist Manaryan / in Armenian Book «Multi Pulti Alphabet» Krist Manaryan / in Armenian Book «Multi Pulti Alphabet» Krist Manaryan / in Armenian Book «Multi Pulti Alphabet» Krist Manaryan / in Armenian

Book «Multi Pulti Alphabet» Krist Manaryan / in Armenian

Item number: N:195405

12.66 USD



Width 20 cm. Length 20 cm.

Product description

The book «Multi Pulti Alphabet» by Krist Manaryan is intended for children of preschool and school age. There is one poem for each letter in the collection, and a QR code is attached, through which the characters of the book will come to life and tell rhyming stories with musical cartoons using the symbolic use of each letter.

Author: Krist Manaryan,
Number of pages: 158,
Language: Armenian,
Cover: soft,
Year of publication: 2024.

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