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Board game «Couples without conflicts»

Item number: N:209594
Shop: Zhest Psychological Center
Not available quantity

Product description

The goal of the game is to help couples get to know each other better and to resolve problematic situations without conflict through advice for different situations. There are different situations in the game for women (32 items) and men (31 items). How to play The situation is presented on one side of the playing card, on the other side - advice - answer for solving that situation.

- Put both women\'s and men\'s \`Situation\` cards on the table in separate sections.
- Men play with \`Situation for Men\` cards, women with \`Situation for Women\` cards.
- One of the participants takes one of the situations from the playing cards and without reading the advice presented on the back of the playing card, answers within 2 minutes, presenting his steps in the case of that situation.
- After answering, turns around and reads the advice.
- If the participant\'s answer and advice match, the participant gets 1 point and keeps that playing card.
- Points are calculated at the end of the game.
- The participant with the most playing cards with correct answers wins.

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