calendar December 3, 2020

Armenian Gift-giving Culture in Ancient and Modern Times

Every Armenian takes pride in our ancient history, unique traditions and, of course, remarkable culture. As a child, we’ve all heard tales, myths and legends from our grandparents, that have been passed around for centuries. These stories have such strong roots in us, as they are a big part of our culture. 
Legends about gift giving in Armenia have been told to every generation, putting a strong emphasis on the significance of handmade Armenian gifts. We could take the example of “Anahit” by Gh. Aghayan, where an ordinary village girl taught the King Vachagan about how important handcrafting is. 

Stay with us if you are willing to learn more about the gift giving culture in Armenia and want to offer a unique gift to your Armenian friends and family. 


Gift-giving customs around the globe vs in Armenia․

The ancient traditions of gift giving in Armenia have not changed, but have certainly been adjusted to the modern times. While today’s generation has multiple fancy options to choose from, including shiny jewelry, a nice dinner or a big soft bear, Armenian customs haven’t yet lost their power and beauty.


Every nation around the world is different in their gift giving traditions. For example, in China people like to offer gifts to return an old favor, while in Germany the birthday person will provide drinks, food and gifts for his guests. We may come across some similarities with other countries, however, every Armenian treats our customs with love, care and respect.

Armenian culture is something that has been transmitted from generation to generation, and we have always cherished its value. The way we offer gifts is a part of our culture, so let’s go back in time and discover a little about the stunning variety of Armenian gifts. 


Gift-giving traditions in ancient Armenia.

Handmade Armenian gifts.

In the earlier centuries, our great-grandparents used to create handmade Armenian gifts and souvenirs to make their loved ones feel special. Whether it was a clay bowl, painted with Armenian folklore patterns, or a beautiful carpet, the gift always represented the Armenian spirit and customs. 


Besides the fact that Armenians used to put a lot of effort  into handmade belts and Armenian food gift baskets, they would also make sure to present them properly. Dancing, singing and poetry were a big part of gift giving in Armenia, as it helped express love and appreciation. 

The art of handmade Armenian gifts is something that we have inherited from our talented artisans and craftsmen, which shows the influence of this practice. Some of us have learned sewing and knitting from our grandmothers, others have thoroughly studied the process of making khachkars and small folklore jugs. 


Armenian gift baskets․

Another type of traditional Armenian gifts were the Armenian food gift baskets. Especially during important events like weddings, Armenian women used to bake the tastiest gata, prepare some yummy ghapama and add a couple apricots into the gift baskets. 



Armenians love eating tasty and healthy, that is why we have one of the best cuisines in the world. Family is very much cherished, so Armenians make sure to always be together during hard times and always celebrate the good.

During family gatherings the tables are full of various dishes, dessert and, of course, our famous wine. Not only the host fills everyone’s plate with the well-known khorovats, manti and lavash, but the guests as well make their contribution. You’ll never leave an Armenian gathering hungry. 


Ancient gift giving traditions in modern times.

Some people think that Armenian food gift baskets are a new concept, but in reality we are continuing the old customs of our ancestors. Even today, in all villages of Armenia it is considered a nice gesture to offer food products (a homemade pie, fruits, even dolma) when you’re a guest, since it shows that you care about the landlord and want to share your goods. This habit is still ongoing, because it indicates one of the biggest personality traits of an Armenian: always ready to share. 


The legacy we are responsible for․

Armenia has had a very long and challenging history, and our culture has helped us pass it within generations. Folklore clothes, unique cuisine, beautiful tales and brave spirits:these are what our legacy consists of. As Armenians, we are obliged to enrich and carry this with us, and giving Armenian gifts is one of the ways to accomplish our duty. 
Consider yourself lucky, if you have Armenian family or friends you can get advice from, as it’s not always easy to understand certain values of a nation and put yourself in their shoes. However, if you don’t, our team is always here to help you choose Armenian gifts, answer your questions and listen to your suggestions. Simply visit our website or contact our Customer care team to get the best advice.


Where to shop and how to choose?

If you’ve been to Armenia and have walked the streets of Yerevan, you must’ve encountered some beautiful Armenian gift shops, where you could find anything from pottery and rugs to the national duduk and traditional dolls. 

Have you ever been to the famous Vernissage market in Yerevan? It is the place to find literally any type of Armenian gift you wish: folklore rugs in different sizes, wooden chess sets, old books, traditional jewelry made by locals and paintings. Armenian vendors and merchants never cease to amaze their customers by providing value and quality. Make sure to visit them and you will see it yourself.

However, if you live farther away or can’t visit these spots for some reason, you also have the opportunity to go online and discover the most beautiful handmade Armenian gifts.


Choose Armenian․

Continuing the work of our ancestors and sharing love with the same energy will help us retain their rich heritage and enhance it. Armenian gifts are always distinguished from the rest since they represent our legacy, ethics, and customs. With these little steps, we will develop the Armenian merchandise, showcasing our beautiful culture and offer gifts that are Made in Armenia

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