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Book «Collection of Children's Literature» Yuri Sahakyan / in Armenian

Item number: N:094072

7.73 USD

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Width 20 cm. Length 20,5 cm.

Product description

The collection is aimed at preschool and primary school children. It’s a selection of works of classical and modern Armenian writers and best samples of Armenian folklore, which are grouped into thematic sections. The works included will give children the opportunity to get better acquainted with the surrounding world, to perceive the colours and sounds of nature, penetrate into their treasuries, to understand and love literature and the mother language.

Compiled by։ Yuri Sahakyan,
Language։ Armenian,
Pages։ 264,
Publication date։ 2013,
Printing։ Black/white,
Cover։ Soft,
Size։ 20.5 x 20 cm․

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